How’re you doing with your plans and goals for the new year? Are you still excited? Or does it feel like it’s already time to revise, or even give up on, the vision for 2024?
This year, I gave myself time to dream freely about the new year.
Over the years I’ve envisioned things I’d like to do, but for 2024 I’m allowing them to flow onto the page and then penning goals and plans in detail. I love my new planner! I can see the whole month laid out before me, make note of appointments and obligations and set specific goals. There are pages in between the months where I can brainstorm ideas.
It’s also a little intimidating! My dreams are in black and white; if I fail, they will glare up at me from the page.
The nagging negative voice in the back of my mind works hard to undermine my excitement and confidence. The enemy whispers doubt into the plans that will bring my dreams to life. It’s a big deal to send my writing out into the world, to risk the rejection of submitting my work to publishers. I’ll be vulnerable.
My thoughts turn to Moses when the Lord spoke to him for the burning bush. There was no doubt that God wanted him to go speak to Pharaoh, to secure freedom for the Israelites. Moses was anxious though, just as I am, and starts making excuses as to why he shouldn’t take on this monumental task.
But Moses said to the LORD, “Oh, my Lord, I am not eloquent, either in the past or since you have spoken to your servant, but I am slow of speech and of tongue.” (Exodus 4:10)
The Lord responds to Moses’ fears with words of reassurance. He reminds him of his power and promises to provide all that he needs to accomplish the mission.
Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall speak.” (Exodus 4:12)
Still Moses hesitates:
But he said, “Oh, my Lord, please send someone else.” (Exodus 4:13)
I hesitate too. A day lies open before me, and I hesitate (procrastinate). I accomplish a lot, filling the day with tasks and avoiding the one thing I set out to accomplish. Finally, I quiet myself and reflect on this struggle. I consider the obstacle blocking my path. It’s that insidious, nasty little voice again distracting me, shaming me, reminding me of all the times I’ve stumbled along the way.
I focus on silencing the negativity with the voice of truth. I tune my ear to the voice that faithfully guides me when I’m journeying through unknown terrain. It’s the voice that tells me to trust, believe in the dreams in my heart, find joy in this creative passion, and allow the plan to evolve. It reminds me of who, and whose, I am:
I am the beloved child of God!
chosen and blessed.
Born with the indelible imprint of the maker in my soul.
A creative sparkle delightedly made in His image.
He wants me to walk joyfully through this world, sharing His love.
I will not be afraid.
He is with me,
providing strength and grace as I go.
I trust, I believe. Amen.
Maybe hesitation or feeling overwhelmed is an invitation, an opportunity to extend ourselves some grace. Was the goal set a little too rigidly? Take a moment this week to breathe. Sit with your dreams, allow yourself quiet moments of honesty and, if necessary, revision of the plan. Listen to the voice of truth. Believe!